about kailo

how to use your pain patch

Correct placement of the patch on your body is essential for successful pain relief. 

Watch these videos and learn some useful tips.

follow these steps for pain relief

Follow these steps to increase your chances of finding significant pain relief using our patches. These instructions work for The Flex, The Kailo, or The Element. 

Your discovery of relief using our patches increases when you are calm, relaxed, and not influenced by alcohol or painkillers.

Step 1: Find someone to help you try the patch. Because placement is so important, and because it is hard to reach many places on your own body, having an extra pair of hands will be very useful.

Step 2: Give your pain a number. This sounds silly except to those who have experience with pain. Before you use the pain patch, write down a number from 0  to 10 that describes your pain. 0 = “no pain”; 10 = “I can’t think of anything else but the pain.” Recording a number will help you find confidence in how much the patch is helping to reduce your pain later on.

Step 3: Give the pain patch to your helper. Do not put an adhesive on the pain patch yet. 

Step 4: Your helper should start by placing the pain patch on the location of your pain. Placement directly on the skin is recommended. Focus your concentration on your pain. After placement you should experience one of the following:

  1. Immediate, complete pain relief (You’re all set. Put an adhesive on the patch and put it in the original location);
  2. Partial pain relief (Go to Step 5);
  3. No pain relief but one or more of the following sensations: warmth at the site of the patch, tingling in your nerves, or slight light-headedness (Go to Step 6);
  4. No pain relief and no sensations (Go to Step 7).

Step 5 - Partial Pain Relief: You may be feeling some pain relief and be grateful for it. However, it is possible that you can experience even more relief. Record a second pain number from 0 to 10 at this point. Next, leave the patch in its original location for about 10 minutes. Think of your pain number for a third time. If it has gotten even better in those 10 minutes, give the patch more time until the number doesn’t change. If, after another 10 minutes, your pain number is the same, experiment with different patch locations for 5-10 minutes at a time for each location. A different patch location might be a different orientation (vertical instead of horizontal). Or, it might be slightly moved away from the pain. We recommend that when you are moving the patch for better placement, move it along the nervous system pathway from your pain in the direction of your brain. Make very gradual location adjustments. When you feel like you’ve found a great patch location for pain relief, remember that spot, put an adhesive on the patch, and stick the patch back in place. 

Step 6 - No Relief, Only Sensations: If you are feeling warmth, tingling, or light-headedness, that is a good sign. Wait 10 minutes with the patch in its original location. Record a pain number 0 - 10. If, after 10 minutes, your pain number is the same or not much better, begin experimenting with different patch locations for 1 to 2  minutes at a time for each location. A different patch location might be a different orientation (vertical instead of horizontal). Or, it might be slightly moved away from the pain. We recommend that when you are moving the patch for better placement, move it along the nervous system pathway from your pain in the direction of your brain. Make very gradual location adjustments. When you feel like you’ve found a great patch location for pain relief, remember that spot, put an adhesive on the patch, and stick the patch back in place.

Step 7 - No Relief, No Sensations: Don’t worry. This happens to a lot of people who later find correct placement. At this point you need to begin experimenting with different patch locations for 1 to 2  minutes at a time for each location. A different patch location might be a different orientation (vertical instead of horizontal). A different patch location might also be placing it at the site of an injury that caused the pain, not where the pain is being felt. Or, a different patch location might be slightly moved away from the pain or injury location. We recommend that when you are moving the patch for better placement, move it along the nervous system pathway from your pain or injury in the direction of your brain. Make very gradual location adjustments. When you feel like you’ve found a great patch location for pain relief, remember that spot, put an adhesive on the patch, and stick the patch back in place.


  • CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE: We want to help relieve your pain. Send us a message at support@gokailo.com or chat with us from our website’s FRONT PAGE
  • SCHEDULE A VIDEO CONFERENCE CALL: We offer a free video call to demonstrate good placement for your body. Click HERE to find availability 

The following videos are offered as placement suggestions for both the original Kailo and The Flex™.

  • A headache can ruin even the brightest day. One reported successful placement for head pain is to orient the Kailo horizontally across the side of the forehead down to the temple with the top edge at the hairline. There is no movement necessary for this placement. For additional successful head placements contact a placement specialist at: support@gokailo.com

  • One successful placement for face pain is to orient the Kailo vertically across the side of the face with the bottom edge on the jawline and the top edge at the temple. No movement is necessary. For additional successful face placements contact us at support@gokailo.com

  • One successful placement for elbow pain is to orient the Kailo horizontally and place it over the back of the upper arm right above the elbow. Gradually moving the patch up the back of the arm towards the brain. For additional successful elbow placements see our other videos or contact a placement specialist at support@gokailo.com.

  • One successful placement for shoulder pain is to orient the Kailo at a 45 degree angle on the back of the shoulder. Gradually move the Kailo up and across the trapezius muscle toward the brain, keeping this same angle. For additional successful shoulder placements see our other videos or contact a placement specialist at support@gokailo.com.

  • One successful placement for hand and wrist pain is to orient the Kailo horizontally across the wrist and gradually move it up the forearm towards the brain.

  • Are you frustrated by back pain? One successful placement for lower back pain is to orient the Kailo horizontally and place the patch centered at the waistline across the lower back and slowly move the patch up along the spine towards the brain. For additional successful back placements see our other videos or contact a placement specialist at support@gokailo.com.

  • One successful placement for knee pain is to orient the Kailo horizontally. Place the patch above the knee centered on the lower thigh. No movement is needed for additional successful knee placements see our other videos or contact a placement specialist at support@gokailo.com.

  • One successful placement for foot pain is to orient the Kailo horizontally across the top of the foot and wear it in your shoe or sock. Another successful placement for foot pain is to wrap the Kailo horizontally across the heel in the back of your shoe. For additional successful knee placements see our other videos or contact a placement specialist at support@gokailo.com.

  • One successful placement for trunk pain is to orient the Kailo horizontally and place it centered at the belly button and move the patch gradually up toward the bottom of the rib cage. For additional successful trunk pain placements see our other videos or contact a placement specialist at support@gokailo.com.

  • One successful placement for hip and upper leg pain is to orient the patch at a 45 degree angle across the buttocks on the side that hurts with the lower part of the Kailo pointed towards the center of the body and the upper part pointed towards the hip. Move the Kailo towards the center of the body, twisting it slightly until it has a horizontal orientation on the lower spine. For additional successful hip and upper leg placements see our other videos or contact a placement specialist at support@gokailo.com.

Once you have found the ideal location to block your pain with your Kailo patch, you’ll want to attach an adhesive.

Once you have found the ideal location to block your pain with your Kailo patch, you’ll want to attach an adhesive.

Our silicone adhesives:

  • Are soft on the skin
  • Don’t pull out the hair
  • Will re-stick multiple times depending on both skin and environmental factors

Each Kailo bundle comes with a number of adhesives that you can quickly apply to the back of your Kailo for easy application.

Here are the step-by-step instructions to use our adhesives:

  • Align the adhesive (print side down) with the back of your Kailo patch.
  • Holding one end down, remove half of the adhesive backing as you adhere it to the Kailo patch.
  • Peel the second half of the adhesive backing and finish applying it to Kailo.
  • Now, you can store your Kailo for future use since the outside is not yet sticky.
  • When you are ready to use your pain patch, peel off the clear adhesive backing from Kailo and apply it to your body!

Kailo, with our adhesive backing, can be removed and reapplied to your skin multiple times (depending on both skin and environmental factors) before losing its stickiness. Plus, it can be washed gently with soap and water to renew its adhesive properties. If washing no longer restores the stickiness, simply peel the old adhesive off Kailo and place a new adhesive strip on your patch following the above instructions. A small percentage of customers have reported allergic reactions to our silicon-based adhesive.

How to Use the Kailo Armband

How to Use the Kailo Cohesive Bandage

First off, I’d like to thank you all for bringing this amazing new pain relief technology to market. It has been a real answer to my prayers for pain relief. I was injured and it caused me to suffer with excruciating, debilitating chronic pain for almost 5years. Then it caused me to lose my ability to walk, drive, work, have my grandkids over, I became a different person. No quality of life at all. Felt robbed of any and all joy in life. I actually got so depressed I contemplated ending my life. The pain never ever stopped. I don’t subscribe to traditional western medicine’s opioids and surgery was out of the question. I prayed for a miracle. And prayed and prayed and then. They were answered most abundantly. Thanks.
Sarina Verified Buyer | 9/11/23
Dear Kailo Team, It is a miracle the patch you made. I was suffering from post-traumatic facial pain for years and the patch is more effective than any narcotics I tried. Thank you very much! I also shared my experience in our support group and at least one member ordered one patch and few others said they would order it. I’m not asking for anything (discount or whatever), just expressing gratitude. Awesome work!
Eugene Verified Buyer | 9/6/23
I have been using the original Kailo patches. I use it to assist me with pain on my Rotator cuff. Also assists me with my Parkinson disease.
Alan Verified Buyer | 8/18/23
I bought a patch from you last year. My son has since had his leg amputated ( below knee ) which as you might imagine was paining him considerably. I gave him the patch and he said within 15 min. Most all pain had disappeared. He, and I are now firm believers and ever so appreciative.
Phil Verified Buyer | 8/16/23
I am suffering from severe sciatica caused by a prolapsed disc at L4/L5. I've been unable to walk sometimes. At first, I found it difficult to find where the Kailo would be successful. I emailed Kailo and Julie encouraged me to keep trying. Eventually, I found it worked best along the spine and along the nerve in the thigh to just beyond it and also from the top of the buttock to the spine. There was a definite reduction in pain.
John Verified Buyer | 7/12/23
Kailo has changed my life for the better. No more pain pills - I used to go to a pain clinic every month for pain pills--Since Kailo --no pain clinic or pain pills! That has been over two years ago! I love the Kailo patch!
Sandra Verified Buyer | 7/5/23
It is curious, the package just arrived, I tried immediately and this thing is a kind of sorcery the pain disappeared almost completely, I cut all tendons from my right shoulder (collarbone and acromium) I got surgery and the supraespinatus tendons have been hurting me for weeks but not anymore.
Diego Verified Buyer | 6/30/23
I love my kailo- I’ve recommended it to friends. My neuralgia caused by shingles didn’t let me enjoy walking anymore. But since I have kailo I go hiking almost every weekend and pain- free.
Richard Verified Buyer | 6/12/23
I have had tremendous back pain for years due to nerve damage in my lower back. I also have severe arthritis and this patch has given me more relief than anything I have tried. Please try it if you have pain. It really works.
Debbie Verified Buyer | 5/23/23
I have been suffering with Chronic pain for 20+years and have tried just about everything that is on the market without any success. I had a diving accident when I was 19years old and the specialists said that I would never walk again and have to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair ♿️ With a lot of determination and rehabilitation I proved them wrong. As a result I have still another of pain and no quality of life I couldn't even leave the house .Then I saw the add for Kailo on Facebook and I was a bit sceptical but then I thought well what have I got to lose only my pain .I decided to give it a try and Wow was I pleased to take that plunge and do it.It is like getting a miracle when I found the right spot no more PAIN absolutely Wonderful. I now have my quality of life back and enjoying my life again doing all the things that I couldn't do before thanks to this remarkable Kailo Patch.Thankyou so much for giving me back my life I really do feel young again l am 75yrs young and loving life.Thankyou ❤️ Kailo so much.l will never be able to 😊 thankyou enough. I will keep recommending this to all my friends and family.
Carol Verified Buyer | 5/19/23


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