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Questions About the Pain Patches
  • What are the differences between the three patches (The Flex, The Kailo, The Element)?

    • Function - All three patches interact with your body the same way
    • Lifespan - The Flex is designed to last 1 month, The Kailo is designed to last 1 year, The Element is designed to last a lifetime
    • Flexibility - The Flex was designed to be super flexible and soft. The Kailo and The Element are flexible and soft, but not as much as The Flex
    • Shape - The Flex is slightly smaller and has more rounded edges than The Kailo and The Element. The Kailo and The Element are the same in length and width but The Element is a little bit thicker.
    • Color - The Flex is printed on Tyvek which is white, The Kailo is clear, and The Element comes in Light Gray or Dark Gray
    • Return Policy - The Flex has a 30 day return policy, The Kailo has a 90 day return policy, and The Element can be returned any time by the buyer.
    • Price - The Flex costs $49 for one. The Kailo costs $119 for one. The Element costs $249 for one.

    Is this patch too good to be true?

    That’s a weird question. We have customers who are so surprised with the patch that they still say, “I can’t believe this is working.” We also have customers that didn’t find relief with the patch. For them, it is too good to be true. But, at least they were able to get their money back. Sadly, pain is complex and there isn’t one thing that works for everyone.

  • Why are the patches so expensive?

    Our patches are reusable and last a long time. They only cost pennies per day to use.

    How can I get the best pricing?

    OK. Here are the best ways to get the best pricing on our products Option 1: Become a VIP member and use points to reduce the price of your purchase. Option 2: Subscribe and save. A subscription to The Flex can be canceled after two purchases and lets you buy two Flex patches for 50% off. Option 3: Buy the longest lasting patch that you can afford so that your per/day usage costs are less. Option 4: We offer sales every once in a while. People who give us their email addresses get notified of sales.

    Why does the Flex cost less than the Kailo?

    The Flex is designed to only last 1 month while The Kailo is designed to last 1 year. Sturdier construction costs more.

    Why does the Kailo cost so much?

    The Kailo is built to last 1 year. This requires more expensive materials and processes

    Why does the Element cost so much?

    The Element was built to last a lifetime. So, it requires more materials and more complicated manufacturing techniques to allow you to use it for your whole life.

  • What are the patches made of?

    The Flex patch is made of the following things
    • Polyethylene plastic (Used in plastic products like milk cartons and kitchen utensils)
    • Raw electrically conductive elements like Copper and Silver
    • Raw electrically semi-conductive elements like Silicon
    The Kailo patch is made of the following things
    • PET Plastic (Used in common products like soda bottles and water bottles)
    • Raw electrically conductive elements like Copper and Silver
    • Raw electrically semi-conductive elements like Silicon
    • PVC plastic (Used in common products like wall and floor coverings)
    The Element patch is made of the following things
    • PET Plastic (Used in common products like soda and water bottles)
    • Raw electrically conductive elements like Copper and Silver
    • Raw electrically semi-conductive elements like Silicon
    • TPU Plastic (Used in common products like footwear and fire hoses)

    Are there harmful materials in the patches?

    Everything that is in the patches is considered inert and will not interact chemically with the body. The patch only interacts electrically with the body

  • What makes the patches work?

    The Kailo Technology is made up of elements that are used in electronic applications. Some of them include copper, silver, and silicon. In our patches, microscopic particles of those elements are arranged in a special, patented way that is efficient at absorbing electrical energy. That act of absorption is what makes the patch work. This is the reason you may feel a warming sensation when the patch is in the right place on your body.

    How does the patch interact with my nervous system

    Our nervous system acts and reacts by sending signals to and from different parts of the body. When you feel pain for any reason, it is because of the messages being sent along the nervous system. When those messages are created and sent, energy is produced and causes electrical reactions. The signals of your nervous system can be influenced by chemicals (like drugs) and by electric fields (like magnets or TENS units). The Kailo technology was initially created to work as an antenna and was accidentally discovered to help reduce the sensation of pain. Because of this, we theorize that the Kailo technology influences the nervous system with electric fields. When people who wear our patches feel a reduction in pain, it is because they have discovered a location on their body where the patch is influencing the electrical reactions that are causing the sensation of pain.

    Are these patches reusable?

    Yes. They’re made to use over and over again.

    Why does placement matter so much when wearing the patches?

    The patch can only work if it is able to influence the nerve that is transmitting the pain signal. The nerve pathways in your body are small and some of them are deep within your body tissues. It is sometimes difficult to get the patch close to the right nerve. Correct placement helps increase the chances of influencing the right nerve.

  • What happens when I wear the Patches?

    When you discover great placement for the patch on your body, your pain will be reduced. Sometimes you may be fortunate enough that your pain is eliminated altogether, sometimes only a portion of your pain will be reduced, and sadly, sometimes you’ll be unable to find a placement that reduces your pain at all.

    Does anything enter my body when I wear the patches?

    No chemicals enter your body when you wear the patches. Very small magnetic fields will enter your body when the patch is working.

    Does my body absorb anything from the patches?

    Your body will not absorb anything from the patches. No chemicals move from the patch into or onto your body.

    Are there any side effects to wearing the patches?

    A very small number of users (as low as 2 in 10,000) have reported minor nausea and light-headedness while using the patches

    Many users of the patch can feel a slight tingling at the location of the patch or can feel the patch warm up very slightly when wearing it

    How many patches can I wear at the same time?

    You can wear multiple patches at once. Many customers wear a patch for each source of pain. We recommend starting with one patch and adding more if you find that it helps.

    How long can I wear the patches?

    The patches can be worn all day every day as long as your skin isn’t negatively affected by limited access to the air. We recommend removing the patch for a period of time each day to allow the skin to breath. Some skin becomes sensitive over time to the adhesives used to attach the patches to the skin. Be cautious if you notice this happening and try alternative medical tapes that you can find at your pharmacy or drug-store.

    Will the patches interfere with medications?

    The patches do not transfer any chemicals into the body so it is impossible for them to interact with medications

    Will any medications reduce the effectiveness of the patch?

    Many pain relieving medications influence the chemical signals in the nervous system that help transmit pain signals. If your nervous system is already chemically numbed by medication, it may be more difficult to feel the effects of the patches on your pain.

    How much of my pain will the patch reduce?

    Some users are able to eliminate their pain entirely. This can be due to a few factors like good patch placement or low severity of the underlying issue causing the pain. Some users are only able to eliminate a fraction of their pain. If you have used the patch to help eliminate some of your pain but would like to see if it can do better, continue experimenting with patch placement or add additional patches.

  • Who should use the pain patches?

    We have discovered that individuals who have suffered extensively from chronic pain notice the effects of the patches most significantly. We encourage anyone suffering from any type of pain, chronic or recent, to try the patches.

    Who should not use the pain patches?

    We recommend that if there is any question about whether you are sensitive to small electrical or magnetic fields you should ask your doctor if you should use the patches. We recommend that people who wear pacemakers and people who are pregnant should not wear the patches. We also have lower success rates with people who are significantly overweight. The patches need to be located as near as possible to the nerves they are influencing.

    What types of pain will the patches help?

    We do not list specific ailments that the patches help because we have not completed clinical trials on the patches and their use for specific ailments. We have not been approved by the FDA to claim the patches can help with specific conditions. We encourage people interested in using the patch to consult the user reviews of our product. Sometimes, in the reviews, users identify specific ailments that have been positively influenced by the patch. We also encourage you to consider our return policy and placement assistance programs to feel comfortable that you can try the patch for your specific ailment with our help at very low financial risk.

    Can cancer patients use the patches?

    Yes. We have customers who have cancer who use the patches for pain relief. However, we have no studies related to how patches interact during any types of irradiative treatments. Remove the patches if you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

    Can I wear the patches during MRI or CT scans?

    No. Remove the patches if you have an MRI or CT scan

    Will the patches really work for me?

    There’s only one way to find out. Buy a patch and try it. But, let me first give you a few statistics that might help your confidence.
    • Our average return rate is less than 5%. To us that means that it is working for most people
    • We have more than 50,000 customers who have purchased more than once from us.
  • How Do I Find The Right Place to Wear the Patches?

    1. We encourage customers to sign up for a free 20 minute placement video session with a member of our customer service team.
    2. We have created several placement tutorial videos that you can watch on our website or on our YouTube channel.
    3. Use a nerve map to locate the nerve pathway that connects your area of pain to your brain. Experiment with patch placement along that pathway.

    How Long Do I Need to Wear the Patch to Know if it’s working?

    If the patch is placed correctly, it begins to work within seconds. If you have not felt an immediate reduction in pain, or one or more of the following things, then continue to relocate the patch every minute or so until you do. When you feel these indicators, the pain reducing effects have already begun: warming of the patch, warming of the skin next to the patch, a tingling or chill feeling, a brief light-headedness, or an obvious reduction in pain.

    How do I use The Flex?

    How I know I’m doing it right
    • The Flex patch should feel soft and pliable against your skin and you should be feeling relief from pain almost immediately when you are wearing it in the right location. If you don’t feel pain relief immediately but you do feel a tingling or warming sensation at the site of the patch, give it a little more time and investigate placement locations nearby. If you are using the Flex Adhesives to attach the patch to your skin, it should stay for a number of days if it isn’t intentionally or accidentally removed. When it is time to remove the patch, it should remove without pain and you should be able to pull the adhesive off the Flex in one piece. Some of the white backing layer of the Flex patch may come off with the adhesive. This is OK. The patch will still work.
    Things that can go wrong
    • Instead of using the corner of the Flex patch where there is no adhesive to start removing the adhesive, you might start at the edge of the patch and tear large amounts of the white backing off the Flex. This will reduce the lifespan of the patch.
    • The adhesive may not stick as well as you’d like. Some skin types do not accept the silicone adhesives as well as others. We recommend washing and drying the patch location before application to make sure that the surface of your skin is free of oils and lotions.
    • You may have a difficult time finding the relief you need. Be patient and keep trying. We have a long return window. Use it all up if you need to as you try to make the patch work for you. Please contact our support team support@gokailo.com and they will help you with placement.

    How do I use The Kailo?

    How I know I’m doing it right
    • The Kailo should provide a feeling of relief from pain almost immediately when you are wearing it in the right location. If you don’t feel pain relief immediately but you do feel a tingling or warming sensation at the site of the patch, give it a little more time and investigate placement locations nearby. If you are using the Kailo Adhesives to attach the patch to your skin, it should stay for 1 or more days if it isn’t intentionally or accidentally removed. When it is time to remove the patch, it should remove without pain and you should be able to pull the adhesive off the Kailo in one piece.
    Things that can go wrong
    • Because the Kailo is somewhat rigid, the adhesives don’t work as well on small radius areas. You can use KT Tape or other medical tapes to keep the Kailo against your skin.
    • You may have a difficult time finding the relief you need. Be patient and keep trying. We have a long return window. Use it all up if you need to as you try to make the patch work for you. Please contact our support team support@gokailo.com and they will help you with placement.

    How do I use The Element?

    How I know I’m doing it right
    • The Element should provide a feeling of relief from pain almost immediately when you are wearing it in the right location. If you don’t feel pain relief immediately but you do feel a tingling or warming sensation at the site of the patch, give it a little more time and investigate placement locations nearby. If you are using the Element Adhesives to attach the patch to your skin, it should stay for 1 or more days if it isn’t intentionally or accidentally removed. When it is time to remove the patch, it should remove without pain and you should be able to pull the adhesive off the Kailo in one piece.
    Things that can go wrong
    • Because the Element is somewhat rigid, the adhesives don’t work as well on small radius areas. You can use KT Tape or other medical tapes to keep the Kailo against your skin.
    • You may have a difficult time finding the relief you need. Be patient and keep trying. We have a long return window. Use it all up if you need to as you try to make the patch work for you. Please contact our support team support@gokailo.com and they will help you with placement.

    Do I have to use the adhesives sold by Kailo when I wear the patch?

    No. Feel free to use any type of adhesive tape that you like. Be cautious in what you choose because The Flex is not as robust as The Kailo or The Element and may tear if it is attached with an adhesive that is too strong.

  • How long do the patches last?

    With proper care and adhesive use, The Flex should last about 1 month; The Kailo should last about 1 year; and The Element should last your entire lifetime

    Will the Kailo stop working after 1 year? Or will the Flex stop working after 1 month?

    If you are able to care for the patch so that the slurry pattern does not get discolored or fall apart, you will be able to extend the life of the patch. Some people make the Flex last for several months. Some have used the Kailo for multiple years.

    When do I know the patches need to be replaced?

    If the golden segments on the surface of the patches begin to change color, deteriorate, or fall off the patch, you should replace it. If the layers of The Element patch disconnect from each other, you should replace the patch.

    Can I get the patches wet?

    Yes. Be cautious when you do get the patches wet because the adhesives do not work as well in wet conditions as they do in dry conditions.

    Can I shower with the patch?

    Yes. Be cautious when you get the patches wet because the adhesives do not work as well in wet conditions as they do in dry conditions.

  • Are there any studies done about these patches?

    Yes. Here is the link to our most recent study and it’s amazing results.

    Why does Kailo Labs say that it is “theorized” to work in a certain way?

    Discovering exactly how the body reacts to medications and other stimuli is not very easy. The Kailo technology is very new and we’re still working on understanding completely how it works. That isn’t a unique problem. The way many common drugs work on the body is still unknown. Here are some examples that may surprise you.
    • Here is a Wikipedia list of some common drugs where the mechanism of action is unknown. Some of the drugs included in the list are:
      • Alcohol
      • Ketamine
      • Paracetamol/Tylenol/Panedol
      • Flexeri
      • Mucinex
    • Acetaminophen (Paracetamol or Tylenol) is described with theoretical language in the National Library of Medicine: “Although its exact mechanism of action remains unclear, it is historically categorized along with NSAIDs because it inhibits the cyclooxygenase (COX) pathways.”
Questions About the Adhesives
  • Why are the adhesives so expensive?

    The adhesives are designed using the best medical grade adhesives we could find. We want to avoid allergic reactions while sticking as well as possible. So, we purchase our adhesives from 3M and re-shape them to fit our patches.

    How can I get the best pricing?

    The best adhesive pricing happens through subscriptions. You can subscribe and receive Flex, Kailo, and Element adhesives at a 20% discount

  • What is the purpose of the KT Tape?

    The KT Tape is an acrylic based adhesive. It is so sticky that it often hurts the skin when it is removed. It is used to wear the patches in situations where the wearer is likely to be sweaty or be moving around a lot. It is intended to be used with The Kailo and The Element and not The Flex.

    What is the purpose of the Kailo/Element adhesive?

    The Kailo adhesive is shaped specifically for the Kailo. It is an easily removable silicone adhesive. It is designed to be repositionable on your skin. It will not stick very well in situations where the wearer is sweating a lot or has very dry/flaky skin. The Kailo adhesive and the Element adhesive are the same and are interchangeable.

    What is the purpose of the Flex adhesives?

    The Flex adhesive is shaped specifically for the Flex. It is an easily removable silicone adhesive. It is designed to be repositionable on your skin. It will not stick very well in situations where the wearer is sweating a lot or has very dry/flaky skin. It should be removed carefully from the Flex so as not to tear the white backing of the Flex patch.

    Why are the adhesives different shapes?

    The KT Tape is shaped as small strips because it is difficult to remove from the skin and a large surface area is not needed. The Flex adhesive is shaped specifically for that patch. The Kailo and Element patches are the same shape and size and can use any adhesive that is that shape.

  • What is the KT Tape adhesive made of?

    An acrylic compound

    Does the KT Tape adhesive have latex in it?


    Is the KT Tape adhesive reusable?

    No, but the roll of KT tape has 30 strips in it

    How long does the KT Tape adhesive last?

    Some users report using KT Tape adhesives for more than 2 weeks at a time, though we don’t recommend it because the skin underneath it needs to breathe.

    How can I make the KT Tape adhesive last longer?

    Ensure your skin is clean and dry when you apply it. Don’t remove the KT Tape from your skin anticipating that it will be able to stick again.

    How do I remove the KT Tape adhesive from my body?

    You can pull it off and scream as it pulls away your hairs with it, or, you can thoroughly rub some baby oil over the top of it and remove it gradually after you have done so.

    How do I remove the KT Tape adhesive from the Patches?

    You can pull and scrape the KT Tape off or apply baby oil over the top of the tape like when you remove it from your skin.

    What is the best way to use the KT Tape adhesive with the patches?

    Use KT Tape to hold the edges down. Each strip can be placed partially on the patch and on the skin

    How do I apply the KT Tape adhesive?

    Remove the backer from a strip of KT Tape you have taken off the roll. Stick one side on the patch, stick the other side to your skin.

    Are There things that can go wrong with the KT Tape adhesive

    If you only put the KT Tape adhesives on the ends of the patches while you wear them, the patch might bend out and away from your body, reducing its ability to relieve your pain. KT Tape leaves residue on the patches and takes some effort to get it off. KT Tape may tear The Flex patch material so we recommend only using it on The Kailo and The Element.

    How do I know I know if I’m doing it right

    You are able to wear a patch secured by KT Tape without it falling off and without the patch pulling away from your skin.

    How do I know if the KT Tape Adhesive needs to be replaced?

    If it no longer sticks

    How do I care for the KT Tape Adhesive?

    Only plan on applying it one time. After one use, each strip loses its stickiness

    Can I get the KT Tape Adhesive wet?

    You can get the KT Tape adhesive wet after applying it. Try not to get it wet before or during application.

    Does anything enter my body when I use the KT Tape adhesives?


    Are there side effects when using the KT Tape adhesives?

    Some people have allergies to Acrylics. Also, the KT Tape can be strong enough that some sensitive skin can reactly poorly when it is removed. KT Tape will also tear hair out.

    Who should not use KT Tape adhesives?

    People who want to keep the hair that is in the location where the KT Tape would be applied. People with Acrylic allergies.

    Do I have to use the KT Tape adhesives sold by Kailo Labs to use the patches?

    No. You are free to use any other type of adhesive that works well for you and doesn’t damage the patches.

  • What is the Flex adhesive made of?

    The Flex adhesive is two sided. The side that attaches to the Flex patch is stronger and is an acrylic based adhesive. The side that attaches to the skin is silicone based and is designed for multiple uses.

    Does the Flex adhesive have latex in it?


    Is the Flex adhesive reusable?

    Yes. When you keep the acrylic side of the adhesive attached to the patch and remove the silicone side from your skin, you are able to re-attach the patch to your skin at a later time. If you keep the silicone adhesive clean and protected when it isn’t on your skin, you should be able to use it more than once. You can also gently wash it with soap and water and let it air dry to give it more life after a few uses. You can protect the silicone side of the adhesive by replacing the clear protective layer that you removed in order to use it the first time.

    How long does the Flex adhesive last?

    The life of the Flex adhesive depends on the skin and behavior of the user. Adhesives last longer when the skin is cleaned and dried before initial application. Adhesives tend to fall off faster if they are picked and pulled at or if they are exposed to lots of sweat. Because the Flex is the most flexible and pliable patch, the Flex adhesives last longer than Kailo adhesives or Element adhesives. The range of possible use is anywhere from 1 to 7 days for one adhesive.

    How can I make the Flex adhesive last longer?

    Make sure your skin is clean and dry at the time of the first application. Make sure you have found a good placement for the Flex patch on your body before applying the adhesive to the patch. The adhesive works better if it is applied to your skin only once. Do your best to keep the edges from getting dirty or lifted up while you are wearing it.

    How do I remove the Flex adhesive from my body?

    The silicone adhesive was designed for easy removal. The adhesive is more difficult to remove from the patch, so, pull the patch off your body, then remove the adhesive from the patch.

    How do I remove the Flex adhesive from the Flex patch?

    The Flex adhesive was designed so that one corner of the Flex patch remains uncovered by the adhesive after the adhesive is applied. When removing the adhesive, find the uncovered corner and hold it between your thumb and finger of one hand. With the thumb of your other hand, roll the pad of your thumb from the uncovered section of the back of the Flex patch over the edge of the adhesive. That motion will lift up the edge of the adhesive. You can continue rolling the adhesive down, or, you can grab the lifted up adhesive edge between your thumb and forefinger and pull it off the Flex patch. It should come off all in one piece.

    How do I apply the Flex adhesive

    Scroll to the bottom of the page at this link to find a video showing how to apply an adhesive CLICK HERE

    Things that can go wrong with the Flex adhesive

    Make sure that the Flex patch is clean of debris when you put on the Flex adhesive or else it might not stick right. Make sure your skin is clean and dry when applying the Flex adhesive to your skin or it won’t last as long. Make sure you know where you want to place your Flex patch before you put the Flex adhesive on the patch so that you don’t have to pull off and re-stick the patch to your body multiple times. Don’t take both front and back protective layers off of the adhesive before applying the adhesive to the patch. There is a cut in the protective paper layer on the adhesive so that you can apply it to the patch one side at a time. Don’t pick at the adhesive while it is on your skin. That will cause it to lose adhesion. Be careful not to lose your patch if you are going to get wet or sweaty.

    How do I know I know if I’m doing it right

    The Flex adhesive should keep the Flex attached to your skin for anywhere from 1 to 7 days.

    How do I know if the Flex Adhesive needs to be replaced?

    It doesn’t adhere to your skin

    Can I get the Flex Adhesive wet?

    Yes. You can get it wet while you are wearing it (Although doing so reduces its adhesion somewhat). Also, if you wash it gently with soap and water and let it dry, it helps regain some functionality.

    Does anything enter my body when I use the Flex adhesives?


    Are there side effects when using the Flex adhesives?

    Individuals who wear the adhesives repeatedly for many days can cause their skin to form a rash. Individuals who are allergic to silicone should not wear the Flex adhesives

    Who should not use Flex adhesives?

    Anyone allergic to silicone or acrylic

    Do I have to use the Flex adhesives sold by Kailo Labs to use the Flex patches?

    No. You can use any adhesive you like that doesn’t damage the patch

  • What is the Kailo/Element adhesive made of?

    The Kailo/Element adhesive is two sided. The side that attaches to the patch is stronger and is an acrylic based adhesive. The side that attaches to the skin is silicone based and is designed for multiple uses.

    Does the Kailo/Element adhesive have latex in it?


    Is the Kailo/Element adhesive reusable?

    Yes. When you keep the acrylic side of the adhesive attached to the patch and remove the silicone side from your skin, you are able to re-attach the patch to your skin at a later time. If you keep the silicone adhesive clean and protected when it isn’t on your skin, you should be able to use it more than once. You can also gently wash it with soap and water and let it air dry to give it more life after a few uses. You can protect the silicone side of the adhesive by replacing the clear protective layer that you removed in order to use it the first time.

    How long does the Kailo/Element adhesive last?

    The life of the Kailo/Element adhesive depends on the skin and behavior of the user. Adhesives last longer when the skin is cleaned and dried before initial application. Adhesives tend to fall off faster if they are picked and pulled at or if they are exposed to lots of sweat. Because the Kailo and Element patches are fairly rigid and they want to return to their flat shape, they will pull against the adhesive when they are wrapped around small radiuses (like wrists or ankles). In these circumstances, it is best to also use KT Tape or another method that keeps the patch attached to the skin. The range of possible use is anywhere from 1 to 7 days for one adhesive.

    How can I make the Kailo/Element adhesive last longer?

    Make sure your skin is clean and dry at the time of the first application. Make sure you have found a good placement for your patch on your body before applying the adhesive to the patch. The adhesive works better if it is applied to your skin only once. Do your best to keep the edges from getting dirty or lifted up while you are wearing it.

    How do I remove the Kailo/Element adhesive from my body?

    The silicone adhesive was designed for easy removal. The adhesive is more difficult to remove from the patch, so, pull the patch off your body, then remove the adhesive from the patch.

    How do I remove the adhesive from my Kailo or Element patch?

    Lay the patch flat on a smooth surface with the adhesive facing up. Using the pad of your forefinger, rub your finger from the outer corner of the patch toward the middle of the patch, making sure to start on the very edge of the patch. That motion should cause the adhesive to roll away from the edge of the patch. Once the adhesive has started to roll away from the patch edge, you can continue to roll it, or, you can grab the lifted up corner of the adhesive between your thumb and forefinger and pull it off of the patch in one motion. It should stick together so you can pull it off all at once.

    How do I apply the Kailo/Element adhesive?

    Scroll to the bottom of the page at this link to find a video showing how to apply an adhesive CLICK HERE

    Things that can go wrong with the Kailo/Element adhesive

    Make sure that the patch is clean of debris when you put on the adhesive or else it might not stick right. Make sure your skin is clean and dry when applying the adhesive to your skin or it won’t last as long. Make sure you know where you want to place your patch before you put the adhesive on the patch so that you don’t have to pull off and re-stick the patch to your body multiple times. Don’t take both front and back protective layers off of the adhesive before applying the adhesive to the patch. There is a cut in the protective paper layer on the adhesive so that you can apply it to the patch one side at a time. Don’t pick at the adhesive while it is on your skin. That will cause it to lose adhesion. Be careful not to lose your patch if you are going to get wet or sweaty.

    How do I know I know if I’m doing it right

    The adhesive should keep the patch attached to your skin for anywhere from 1 to 7 days.

    How do I know if the Kailo/Element adhesive needs to be replaced?

    It doesn’t adhere to your skin

    Can I get the Kailo/Element adhesive wet?

    Yes. You can get it wet while you are wearing it (Although doing so reduces its adhesion somewhat). Also, if you wash it gently with soap and water and let it dry, it helps regain some functionality.

    Does anything enter my body when I use the Kailo/Element adhesives?


    Are there side effects when using the Kailo/Element adhesives?

    Individuals who wear the adhesives repeatedly for many days can cause their skin to form a rash. Individuals who are allergic to silicone should not wear the adhesives

    Who should not use Kailo/Element adhesives?

    Anyone allergic to silicone or acrylic

    Do I have to use the Kailo/Element adhesives sold by Kailo Labs to use the Kailo/Element patches?

    No. You can use any adhesive you like that doesn’t damage the patch

  • What size are the Extra Strength Adhesives?

    These adhesives are double-sided adhesives that are the exact shape and size as our Kailo and Element pain relief patches. It is important to buy the correct adhesive for the correct patch, so it fits properly.

    Which Kailo Patches can be used with the Extra Strength Adhesive?

    You may use the extra-strength adhesive with the original Kailo or Element Pain Patches. It is important to buy the correct adhesive for the correct patch, so it fits properly. The adhesives are very effective at holding your Kailo or Element patch on all areas of your body. 

    What is the Extra Strength Adhesive made of?

    These adhesives have an acrylic-based adhesive on both sides that creates a strong bond that can last for days. These adhesives are more effective at holding on our thicker Element pain relief patch.

    Does the Extra Strength Adhesive have latex in it?


    How many Extra Strength Adhesives do I need to use to hold my pain patch in place?

    You need only one adhesive at a time to hold your patch in place.

    Is the Extra Strength Adhesive reusable?

    The adhesives are NOT repositionable. Please find good placement before you adhere the patch to your skin.

    How long does the Extra Strength Adhesive last?

    These adhesives can last for several days depending on environmental factors and the condition of your skin. We do recommend that you check your skin for sensitivity while wearing them and remove them every 3 days to allow your skin to breathe (less than 3 days if your skin is becoming irritated.)

    How can I make the Extra Strength Adhesive last longer?

    Prepare the area to which you will be attaching the patch. Skin should be clean and dry and free of lotions or oils. If the area is particularly hairy, shaving could be helpful.

    How do I properly apply the Extra Strength Adhesives to the Element Pain Patch?

    The Extra Strength adhesive needs a specific application process to stick really well to the Element patch. Because the Element patch is soft touch, the adhesive doesn't hold as easily on the Element as it does on the Kailo. However, if you follow this process then the adhesive holds very well:
    • Clean the Element patch with water. Soap and water is fine too if all of the soap residue is removed attach the adhesive to the Element as we have done with the original adhesive
    • Using something with a rigid edge (like the side of your phone or the binding of a book, or a butter knife) rub the adhesive onto the patch back and forth
    • Then apply the other side of the adhesive to your body

    How do I remove the Extra Strength Adhesive from my body?

    To ease the removal of this adhesive from your skin, baby or coconut oil may be used.

    How do I remove the Extra Strength Adhesive from the Element Patch?

    Lay the Element patch flat on a smooth surface with the adhesive facing up. Using the pad of your forefinger, rub your finger from the outer corner of the Element toward the middle of the Element, making sure to start on the very edge of the patch. That motion should cause the adhesive to roll away from the edge. Once the adhesive has started to roll away from the edge, you can continue to roll it, or, you can grab the lifted up corner of the adhesive between your thumb and forefinger and pull it off of the Element in one motion. It should stick together so you can pull it off all at once.

    How do I apply the Extra Strength Adhesive to the Kailo Pain Patch?

    Once you have found the best placement, follow this step-by-step process to add the adhesive:
    • Place the Kailo Patch faced down on a surface. (The word Kailo will appear backwards)
    • Align the print-side of the adhesive to the smooth side of the Kailo.
    • Holding one end of the adhesive down so that it still lined up with the Kailo Patch, remove half of the paper backing as you adhere it to the Kailo Patch (This is a lot like putting on a band aid.)
    • Peel the second half of the paper backing off to finish applying the second half of the adhesive to the Kailo.
    • Peel off the clear film from the adhesive and attach your Kailo to the body in the location you identified

    Things that can go wrong with the Extra Strength Adhesive adhesive

    If your skin is sensitive, thin, fragile, or hairy, taking off the adhesive can hurt and remove hair. Placing the patch in the wrong spot on your body, will waste and adhesive since they are not repositionable. If you are allergic to acrylics, you will have an allergic reaction to our extra strength adhesive.

    How do I know I know if I’m doing it right?

    The extra strength adhesive should keep the Element or original Kailo attached to your skin for anywhere from 1 to 7 days.

    How do I know if the Extra Strength Adhesive needs to be replaced?

    It doesn’t adhere to your skin

    Can I get the Extra Strength Adhesive wet?

    Yes. You can get it wet while you are wearing it (Although doing so reduces its adhesion somewhat). Also, if you wash it gently with soap and water and let it dry, it helps regain some functionality.

    Does anything enter my body when I use the Extra Strength Adhesive?


    Are there side effects when using the Extra Strength Adhesive?

    Individuals who wear the adhesives repeatedly for many days can cause their skin to form a rash. Individuals who are allergic to silicone should not wear the Extra Strength adhesives

    Who should not use Extra Strength Adhesive?

    Anyone allergic to silicone or acrylic. If your skin is thin, fragile or very hairy, this might not be a good adhesive choice for you. 

    Do I have to use the Extra Strength Adhesive sold by Kailo Labs to use the Element or Kailo Pain patches?

    No. You can use any adhesive you like that doesn’t damage the patch

    What is the purpose of the Extra Strength adhesives?

    The Extra Strength adhesive is shaped specifically for the Kailo and Element patches. It is an adhesive that creates a strong bond between your skin and your patch that can hold for days. It is not designed to be removed and repositioned. If your skin is fragile or thin, this adhesive might not be for you. Removing this adhesive from your skin can pull out hair. Using baby oil or coconut oil can loosen the bond when you wish to remove your Kailo/Element patch. Please check your skin every two to three days to make sure that it is not reacting to being covered for long lengths of time.

  • What is the Cohesive Bandage made of?

    The cohesive bandage is made of natural rubber latex, this wrap is elastic and self-adherent, meaning it sticks to itself but not to other materials or skin.

    What sizes does the Cohesive Bandage come in?

    It's available in 5-meter rolls that are either 2” wide or 4” wide.

    Which Kailo patches can I use the Cohesive Bandage on?

    The cohesive bandage is an effective way to hold all three of our patches: The Flex, Kailo, and Element in place.

    Is the Cohesive Bandage reusable?

    Cohesive bandage is not reusable, but 5 meters in a roll will allow you to use it for several applications

    Is the Cohesive Bandage gentle on the skin?

    The cohesive bandage is gentle on your skin because it will not adhere to your skin.

    How do I remove the Cohesive Bandage?

    To remove a cohesive bandage, simply unwrap it.

    What is the purpose of the Cohesive Bandage?

    The Kailo self-adhering cohesive bandage can be used with all three of our pain relief patches: the Flex, the Kailo, and the Element. It is a terrific option for people with frail or sensitive skin or adhesive allergies. It is latex-free, hypoallergenic, and non-irritating. Made of high quality porous fabric and non-woven material, the fabric is soft, light, and breathable. The cohesive tape sticks to itself, will not pull hair, does not require any tape or pins to stay closed. Wrap the tape around your arm, or leg, or torso, and tuck any of our patches under the bandage for a long-lasting hold.

Company and Miscellaneous Information
  • What is the name of the company?

    Pain Relief Technologies. We are also know as Kailo Labs

    Where is the company located?

    In Sandy, Utah. Sandy is a suburb of Salt Lake City.

    What is the best way to contact the company?

    The best way to contact us is by email at support@gokailo.com. You can also reach us between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm via chat on our website. We also have a toll free number where you may leave a voice message 855-438-5245

    Where are the patches manufactured?

    All three patches, all adhesives, and all packaging are manufactured in Utah.

    Do you ship internationally?

    Yes. We ship to over 130 countries

    What does it mean that Kailo Labs is FDA registered?

    We are intent on complying with FDA and FTC regulations. We spend more than $7,000 per year to register with the FDA so they know that we accept and welcome their oversight.

  • How can I help share these patches with others

    Please spread the word to your friends and family by sharing your experience on social media. You can also sign up to be a loyalty rewards member and earn points towards your future purchases by referring your friends. Here is the link: https://gokailo.com/pages/rewards

    Does insurance cover this purchase?

    Not yet. We hope to make it HSA and FSA eligible.

    Can I try a patch before I buy it?

    No. But, our return policy is such that you can buy the patch, try it, return it, and get your money back. At the end of the day, you’ll get the same result: A free try.

    Shouldn’t you be trying to solve the pain problem, not cover it up?

    We don’t believe that our patches cover up the pain. Most of our customers use our patches to cope with chronic or debilitating pain. Our patches don’t resolve or cover up physical damage. But, they can help take the edge off.

    Do the patches cure pain?

    No. We believe that our patches assist the body to communicate clearly with itself to do its own healing.

    Is Kailo a Scam?

    Ha Ha, LOL, ROFL, etc. Funny you should ask. Could you imagine how difficult it would be to operate this company for 6 years, ship 1 million patches, get all of our amazing customer reviews, maintain good standing with the FDA and FTC, and feel good about ourselves if this were a scam? We’re not that clever. We’re also not that stupid.

  • What is the Kailo Armband made of?

    The outer body of the Kailo Armband is a compression nylon blend made of 80% Nylon and 20% Spandex. The inner pocket is a dry fit nylon mesh made of 80% polyester and 20% elastane

    Does the Kailo Armband have latex in it?


    In what sizes is the Kailo Armband available?

    The Kailo Armband is available in sizes Small, Medium, and Large. The small is 9 cm wide and has a 20.25 cm circumference from seam to seam. The medium is 9 cm wide and has a 25.40 cm circumference from seam to seam. The large is 9 cm wide and has a 30.45 cm circumference from seam to seam.

    Is the Kailo Armband reusable?


    How long does the Kailo Armband last?

    The Kailo Armband can last a long time and through many wears.

    What is the best way to use the Kailo Armband with my patch?

    First, find the best placement for pain relief with your patch of choice. Then, slip any of our relief patches into the inside pocket on the Armband, with the Flex and Element, make sure the side with the gold pattern will be facing your skin. Slip the armband onto your arm until the patch rests in the area where you have found relief.

    How do I know if I’m doing it right?

    You can wear a patch securely in the place on your arm that provides relief. If you find that the armband is too tight for comfort on your arm or it slips down your arm, then you should take the opportunity for a one-time exchange to a better size for you.

    Does anything enter my body when I use the Kailo Armband?


    Are there side effects when using the Kailo Armband?

    If you purchase an armband that is too small it may cut off some of your circulation. If this happens, please take the one-time opportunity for an exchange for a better size.

    Who should not use the Kailo Armband?

    People that do not need pain relief in their arms.

    Do I have to use the Kailo Armband sold by Kailo Labs to use the patches?

    No. You are free to use any of our adhesive options or any other type of adhesive that works well for you and doesn’t damage the patches.

    What is the Kailo Armband Return Policy?

    Contact Us Within 30 days of purchase. We offer one size exchange for the Armband if needed. Please do not return the packaging.

Questions About My Purchase
  • What Do I Get When I Purchase a Flex Pain Patch?

    • A Flex Pain Patch
    • A QR Code that links you to instructions on how to use the patch
    • A pack of 5 adhesives that you can use to attach the Flex Pain Patch to your body

    What Do I Get When I Purchase a Kailo Pain Patch?

    • A Kailo Pain Patch
    • An instruction card describing how to use the Kailo and the Kailo adhesives
    • A protective felt pocket to store the Kailo when not in use
    • 3 Kailo adhesives that you can use to attach the Kailo Pain Patch to your body

    What Do I Get When I Purchase An Element Pain Patch?

    • An Element Pain Patch
    • An instruction card describing how to use the Element and the Element adhesive
    • A leather wallet to store your Element and its adhesives
    • A warranty card providing information on the Lifetime Warranty
    • A 10-pack of Element Adhesives that you can use to attached the Element Pain Patch to your body
    • A roll of KT Tape that you can use to attach the Element Pain Patch to your body

    Do the patches come with adhesives attached

    No. All patches come without adhesives attached. You will need to attach any adhesives used

  • The following is a step by step description of what happens when you purchase from our store:

    • The order is recorded in our online store
    • Our fulfillment team prints the order labels every morning by about 9 am Mountain Time (except on Saturdays and Sundays because we have families and such). We don’t print order labels unless they are going to be shipped that day.
    • The Fulfillment team takes the piles of order labels and sit at tables next to stacks of products and put together the orders
    • Packaged orders are put into big plastic bags and placed in our lobby where they wait to be picked up by our shipping partner
    • Our shipping partner comes every afternoon (Monday to Friday) and puts the bags of orders into a truck and drives them back to their warehouse
    • At the shipper’s warehouse, all of the orders are scanned and sorted for their destination
    • Your order makes its way to you. Hopefully no porch pirates or mail monsters stop your order from arriving. If they do, please let us know and we’ll see how we can help.
    • You open your order and try out your patch
    • If you have found the right placement for the patch on your body, we all rejoice because your life just got easier!!
  • What is my financial risk if I buy your patches?

    We’d love the answer to be $0. But, in reality, you face 2 risks (maybe 3)
    • Risk #1: $0.66+ You might want to return the patch and so, you’ll have to ship it back. But, if you want to ship it back, the patch is light enough that you can put it in an envelope and get it back to us with a stamp. We do recommend purchasing tracking on the envelope which might cost as much as $4.00.
    • Risk #2: Time and effort You’ll have to take the time to try the patch. Then, if you can’t make it work for your pain, we require that you contact our customer service team to return the product. support@gokailo.com Why? Because we know that you started this whole journey to reduce your pain. And, we also know that sometimes finding the right spot is difficult. So, we want you to give us a chance to help.
    • Risk #3 (maybe): You fall in love with one of our customer service agents and all of your previous life plans seem irrelevant and all you want to do is sip margaritas with Sarah on a white sandy beach.

    What if the patches don’t work for me?

    You’re already in pain. We don’t want to increase your frustration. Please contact us and we’ll help you through the returns process. support@gokailo.com

    Can I get help learning how to use my patch?

    Yes. You can watch placement videos HERE. You can contact our customer support team at support@gokailo.com. Or you can schedule a video call with one of our customer service agents HERE

    What if the patches don't stick on well?

    Feel free to use alternative methods of keeping the patch in place like wraps, headbands, hats, your favorite medical tape, etc.

  • What is Your Return Policy?

    We think our return policy is pretty awesome. Our goal is to help you with your pain. Our company is built around that. . . including our return policy. If you can’t make the patch reduce your pain and have decided that you want your money back. Please contact us. Remember that your original goal was to reduce your pain. We want to try to achieve that goal with you, one last time. Here are the steps:
    • Make sure you contact us within the return policy window that relates to the patch you purchased
      • The Flex (30 Days)
      • The Kailo (90 Days)
      • The Element (Are you still alive? Good. You’re within the policy window)
    • We will ask you some questions about your experience with the patch and offer to help you place it for maximum relief
    • If we’re unable to help you, we will send you a return authorization form
    • Fill out the return authorization form
    • Send your patch back with the return authorization form. If you bought a patch, you don’t have to send back the adhesives that came free with the patch. If you bought a separate pack of adhesives, you have to return those to be refunded for them.
    • Don’t worry about sending our packaging back to us, just send back the product.
    • We will receive your returns, record what came back to us, and refund you for what you returned to us

    Will I actually get my money back?

    If you return back to us the product you purchased within the timing allowed in the return policy, then yes. You will. Be reasonable with us (try to follow the return policy guidelines), and we will be generous with you.

  • Does Kailo offer free shipping?

    We offer free shipping for all orders of $49 and above within the United States. All subscriptions within the United States also qualify for free shipping.

First off, I’d like to thank you all for bringing this amazing new pain relief technology to market. It has been a real answer to my prayers for pain relief. I was injured and it caused me to suffer with excruciating, debilitating chronic pain for almost 5years. Then it caused me to lose my ability to walk, drive, work, have my grandkids over, I became a different person. No quality of life at all. Felt robbed of any and all joy in life. I actually got so depressed I contemplated ending my life. The pain never ever stopped. I don’t subscribe to traditional western medicine’s opioids and surgery was out of the question. I prayed for a miracle. And prayed and prayed and then. They were answered most abundantly. Thanks.
Sarina Verified Buyer | 9/11/23
Dear Kailo Team, It is a miracle the patch you made. I was suffering from post-traumatic facial pain for years and the patch is more effective than any narcotics I tried. Thank you very much! I also shared my experience in our support group and at least one member ordered one patch and few others said they would order it. I’m not asking for anything (discount or whatever), just expressing gratitude. Awesome work!
Eugene Verified Buyer | 9/6/23
I have been using the original Kailo patches. I use it to assist me with pain on my Rotator cuff. Also assists me with my Parkinson disease.
Alan Verified Buyer | 8/18/23
I bought a patch from you last year. My son has since had his leg amputated ( below knee ) which as you might imagine was paining him considerably. I gave him the patch and he said within 15 min. Most all pain had disappeared. He, and I are now firm believers and ever so appreciative.
Phil Verified Buyer | 8/16/23
I am suffering from severe sciatica caused by a prolapsed disc at L4/L5. I've been unable to walk sometimes. At first, I found it difficult to find where the Kailo would be successful. I emailed Kailo and Julie encouraged me to keep trying. Eventually, I found it worked best along the spine and along the nerve in the thigh to just beyond it and also from the top of the buttock to the spine. There was a definite reduction in pain.
John Verified Buyer | 7/12/23
Kailo has changed my life for the better. No more pain pills - I used to go to a pain clinic every month for pain pills--Since Kailo --no pain clinic or pain pills! That has been over two years ago! I love the Kailo patch!
Sandra Verified Buyer | 7/5/23
It is curious, the package just arrived, I tried immediately and this thing is a kind of sorcery the pain disappeared almost completely, I cut all tendons from my right shoulder (collarbone and acromium) I got surgery and the supraespinatus tendons have been hurting me for weeks but not anymore.
Diego Verified Buyer | 6/30/23
I love my kailo- I’ve recommended it to friends. My neuralgia caused by shingles didn’t let me enjoy walking anymore. But since I have kailo I go hiking almost every weekend and pain- free.
Richard Verified Buyer | 6/12/23
I have had tremendous back pain for years due to nerve damage in my lower back. I also have severe arthritis and this patch has given me more relief than anything I have tried. Please try it if you have pain. It really works.
Debbie Verified Buyer | 5/23/23
I have been suffering with Chronic pain for 20+years and have tried just about everything that is on the market without any success. I had a diving accident when I was 19years old and the specialists said that I would never walk again and have to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair ♿️ With a lot of determination and rehabilitation I proved them wrong. As a result I have still another of pain and no quality of life I couldn't even leave the house .Then I saw the add for Kailo on Facebook and I was a bit sceptical but then I thought well what have I got to lose only my pain .I decided to give it a try and Wow was I pleased to take that plunge and do it.It is like getting a miracle when I found the right spot no more PAIN absolutely Wonderful. I now have my quality of life back and enjoying my life again doing all the things that I couldn't do before thanks to this remarkable Kailo Patch.Thankyou so much for giving me back my life I really do feel young again l am 75yrs young and loving life.Thankyou ❤️ Kailo so much.l will never be able to 😊 thankyou enough. I will keep recommending this to all my friends and family.
Carol Verified Buyer | 5/19/23


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