Stress management for the holidays is more important than ever with social distancing in mind. The better you manage your stress, the more you can enjoy this festive time of year.
This year has been full of new challenges and opportunities for growth, and the holidays are no exception. A stressful holiday is the last thing we need toround off 2020. While gatherings may be smaller, stress management for the holidays is more important than ever.
Ahealthy balance of self-care and planning will ensure that you and your lovedones get the most out of this holiday season. Smaller, more intimate gatherings will help manage the overload of social stress, as will preparing yourself—mind and body—for the coming festivities.
The season of giving doesn't have to mean offering all you have to give. During the holiday season, stress management is all about maintaining balance, especially if you’re living with chronic pain. Stress contributes to chronic pain, so the less of it, the better.
Below, you'll find a few of our favorite tips for keeping stress under control in the coming months.
Your friends and family will thank you if you start the holidays refreshed and content instead of dragging yourself through them. Stress management looks different for everyone, but we all appreciate a little extra self-care. When you take care of yourself first, you give yourself the strength to deal with holiday stress head-on.
Small breaks with positive visualization and deep breathing techniques will help you deal with some of the holiday stress. You can also go for a run, take a long bath, get a massage, spend time alone, or meet with your friends before diving into the family drama. In short, do whatever you need to do to take care ofyou.
Planned Indulgences
Whether your holiday vice is sugar, alcohol, caffeine, or a little retail therapy, map out your indulgence strategy to keep from going overboard. These holiday luxuries can ruin an exercise streak, trigger emotional overeating, and leave you feeling stressed long after the holidays are over and done.
By making a plan to indulge sparingly, you save yourself the holiday hangover. Planning doesn’t mean saying no to every cookie, wine glass, and impulse-buy. But you can keep yourself from going overboard by mapping out what and when you indulge.
No sugar-high is a substitute for the exercise endorphins. No amount of alcohol will make your family any quieter or less embarrassing. No patterned socks will make you feel better about a maxed-out credit card. So, when you indulge, choose wisely and stick to a plan.
Time Management
Prioritizing and planning your holiday events will keep you from ripping your hair out last minute in line at a department store. Start buying presents early, set aside the time you need to bake, and prepare yourself mentally for the holiday parties. Make a to-do list that spans the entire holiday season, and don’t forget to include time for yourself.
Know that you don't have to go to every event despite the pressure from friends and family, especially while social distancing. Keep it simple and enjoy the events you do attend. Doing too much will affect your enjoyment of the holidays, and it will affect those around you as they deal with your heightened stress.
Gratitude and Generosity
Gratitude and generosity are what the holidays are all about, right? Gratitude is apowerful tool. It improves physical and psychological health, makes you more empathetic, and helps you sleep. Every time you feel overwhelmed, it could help to consider three things that you are grateful for that day. Even the most stressful holiday events can be turned around by a more agreeable mindset.
Generosity doesn’t have to mean cash spent. You can be generous with your time and energy throughout the holidays. Instead of beating yourself up for the events you missed, recognize that you did the best you could with the time you had.
Stress Management for the Holidays and Beyond
Stress management for the holidays is a juggling act. Sometimes we use the holidays asan excuse to stop taking care of ourselves even if we are practicing self-carefor the rest of the year. Taking time for ourselves, making a plan, and practicing gratitude and generosity will help you go from Scrooge to Santa this holiday season.
These tips are not only applicable during the holidays. The longer your practice self-care techniques, the more benefits you receive. Planning will reduce stress in all areas of your life. Generosity and gratitude are not only the exclusive feature of the holidays. Before the holidays begin, take control of your narrative and turn a dreaded yearly tradition into another tool in your healing journey.
As we mentioned earlier, stress from the holiday season can also contribute to chronic pain. And for that, we recommend lightening the load with the Kailo pain patch. Apply Kailo wherever you feel pain and watch it disappear, making it easier to maintain a healthy balance.
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