Fat is the critical link between meat and inflammation. Explore their relationship and learn how an anti-inflammatory diet can counter it.

September 2022. This article is independently written by Shelby Golding. All opinions given are hers. Shelby has been certified as a personal trainer and nutritional specialist since 2007. In 2008, she found her passion for writing about these topics and hasn't looked back.

Amidst all the noise of diet culture, the facts about why certain foods are good or bad for your health are difficult to see. In many cases, some foods are labeled "good" and others "bad" because of their influence on inflammation levels in the body.
Many experts recommend an anti-inflammatory diet as a baseline for preventing disease and managing chronic illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis. The link between meat and inflammation has been extensively researched. Red meat, in particular, is consistently considered harmful to your health because it increases inflammation.
Keep reading to learn more about the connection between the two, including one hidden link that ties them together.
Meat and Obesity
The main reason why meat, specifically red meat, has been blocklisted by health and fitness experts is its link to obesity.
Many studies on the link between meat consumption and obesity agree that red meat is harmful because it increases your risk of developing central obesity. Central obesity is an increase in fat in the abdominal area. Abdominal fat is mostly visceral, a hidden type of fat that surrounds your vital organs and leads to several life-threatening diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's.
Obesity is also a leading cause of chronic, low-level inflammation in the body. An excess of macronutrients causes the fat tissue to release inflammatory markers, and the body responds by increasing inflammation levels. Inflammation is the body's natural defense against pathogens, diseases, and bacteria that might cause it harm.
As the body increases inflammation in response to the excess macronutrients, it also blocks the production of the anti-inflammatory hormone adiponectin. As a result, low adiponectin levels are associated with many chronic inflammatory diseases.
The Hidden Link
So, the link between meat and inflammation comes down to one key factor. Red meat increases inflammation, especially in the presence of excessive fat. Fat, especially visceral fat in the belly, promotes systemic inflammation.
Some of the fats you eat are healthier than others. For example, the healthy fats found in avocados are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These types of fat reduce bad cholesterol levels, support a healthy heart, and help build strong muscles.
Others, like trans and saturated fats, lead to obesity and inflammation. Meat is a significant source of trans fats and saturated fats in the average diet.
A person who's at a healthy weight, disease-free, active, and with a low body fat content could eat meat every day without a notable difference in their inflammation levels. But if the same person were slightly overweight with a chronic disease or sedentary lifestyle, their reaction to meat consumption would be entirely different.
The inflammation already present in the body due to excess fat, disease, and lack of movement are worsened by consuming fatty meats.
Some of the fats you eat are healthier than others. For example, the healthy fats found in avocados are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These types of fat reduce bad cholesterol levels, support a healthy heart, and help build strong muscles.
Others, like trans and saturated fats, lead to obesity and inflammation. Meat is a significant source of trans fats and saturated fats in the average diet.
A person who's at a healthy weight, disease-free, active, and with a low body fat content could eat meat every day without a notable difference in their inflammation levels. But if the same person were slightly overweight with a chronic disease or sedentary lifestyle, their reaction to meat consumption would be entirely different.
The inflammation already present in the body due to excess fat, disease, and lack of movement are worsened by consuming fatty meats.
The Danger of Processed Meats

The trans fats found in meat and dairy, deep-fried, and processed foods both create and sustain visceral fat. Food makers once used trans fats to preserve food and enhance its flavors. Currently, trans fats aren't considered safe to consume in any amount, although trace amounts are found in some types of meat.
Processed meats are also adept at increasing systemic inflammation. In addition, they contain high levels of saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium, all of which increase your risk of dying when consumed in large quantities. Examples of processed meats include ham, sausage, hot dogs, pepperoni, and deli meats.
Saturated fats alter the gut microbiome in a way that mimics the gut of someone with obesity. They make the gut more permeable to the immunostimulant lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Immunostimulants like LPS activate the immune system in response to a threat, whether it's a disease, virus, or harmful pathogen.
While LPS is helpful in small doses, a large amount of LPS increases your risk of insulin resistance and chronic inflammation.
Processed meats are also adept at increasing systemic inflammation. In addition, they contain high levels of saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium, all of which increase your risk of dying when consumed in large quantities. Examples of processed meats include ham, sausage, hot dogs, pepperoni, and deli meats.
Saturated fats alter the gut microbiome in a way that mimics the gut of someone with obesity. They make the gut more permeable to the immunostimulant lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Immunostimulants like LPS activate the immune system in response to a threat, whether it's a disease, virus, or harmful pathogen.
While LPS is helpful in small doses, a large amount of LPS increases your risk of insulin resistance and chronic inflammation.
Combat Meat-Induced Inflammation
To combat the inflammation from a high meat diet, you need to balance the inflammatory foods with anti-inflammatory ones and reduce the amount you consume of the more dangerous forms of meat.
Anti-inflammatory foods are often brightly colored and found at the edge of the grocery store, i.e., fruits and vegetables. Plants contain plenty of flavonoids and antioxidants, which counter inflammation and prevent oxidation. The fiber in plants and whole grains can also be anti-inflammatory because it helps you lose weight and supports smooth digestion.
If you're going to eat meat, white meat is inherently better than red because it has a low-fat content. Examples of white meat include chicken, turkey, and fish. However, you can also seek healthier forms of red meat, including 90% lean ground beef, lean cuts of beef (like tenderloin), and pork loins and tenderloins.
Anti-inflammatory foods are often brightly colored and found at the edge of the grocery store, i.e., fruits and vegetables. Plants contain plenty of flavonoids and antioxidants, which counter inflammation and prevent oxidation. The fiber in plants and whole grains can also be anti-inflammatory because it helps you lose weight and supports smooth digestion.
If you're going to eat meat, white meat is inherently better than red because it has a low-fat content. Examples of white meat include chicken, turkey, and fish. However, you can also seek healthier forms of red meat, including 90% lean ground beef, lean cuts of beef (like tenderloin), and pork loins and tenderloins.
Healing your body with your diet may seem impossible at first, but when put into practice, it's been proven to mitigate the inflammatory processes that lead to chronic disease.
Certain well-known inflammatory foods are better left off your plate when dealing with difficult health problems, including red meat, processed meats, fried foods, and fast foods, until you reduce the systemic inflammation in your body.
Consume Responsibly
The link between meat and inflammation is tied to their relationship with fat. High levels of fat in the body, especially visceral fat, make eating certain types of red meat dangerous to your health. Instead, you're better off eating low-fat proteins or replacing your meat consumption with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. If you want to keep eating meat in moderation, save the unhealthier options for a special occasion and choose healthier options for regular consumption.
And if you’re dealing with pain from inflammation, remember to apply your Kailo Pain Patch and breathe a sigh of relief. Kailo is designed to relieve pain in seconds, and a recent clinical study showed a significant increase in quality of life when switching to Kailo from oral medication.
Disclaimer: Kailo should not be used if you have a pacemaker or if you are pregnant. Always consult your doctor or health care professional before using Kailo.
And if you’re dealing with pain from inflammation, remember to apply your Kailo Pain Patch and breathe a sigh of relief. Kailo is designed to relieve pain in seconds, and a recent clinical study showed a significant increase in quality of life when switching to Kailo from oral medication.
Disclaimer: Kailo should not be used if you have a pacemaker or if you are pregnant. Always consult your doctor or health care professional before using Kailo.