Sick of Dieting? Try These 7 Healthy Lifestyle Changes Instead

Shopify API August 04, 2022 No Comments
These seven healthy lifestyle changes will help you stop dieting and meet your wellness goals, like how to get rid of sugar and stop overeating.
Healthy lifestyle changes: woman cooking at home
August 2022. This article is independently written by Shelby Golding. All opinions given are hers. Shelby has been certified as a personal trainer and nutritional specialist since 2007. In 2008, she found her passion for writing about these topics and hasn't looked back.
Healthy lifestyle changes: woman cooking at home

Diet culture is a toxic part of the health and wellness industry. Initially, dieting had the best intentions, to help people choose the right foods to maintain a healthy body and mind. But in the face of the obesity epidemic, the need for diet options only increased.
Since the 1990s, dieting fads have continued to evolve dramatically. Celebrities, doctors, health and wellness publications, and fitness professionals all have diets that they recommend based on personal experience or preference. Even the US government sets new dietary guidelines every five years as a basic plan for Americans to follow.
Meanwhile, consumers get bombarded with advice that may or may not help them meet their goals. If you're sick of dieting but know you need to adjust your eating habits, try these seven healthy lifestyle changes instead.

7 Healthy Lifestyle Changes

These changes support a healthy body and mind while helping you make sustainable shifts to your diet. You'll learn tips on how and what to eat, which are crucial to a healthy diet.

1. Get Rid of Unhealthy Snacks

Sometimes, unhealthy eating is so much a part of your life that it's challenging to recognize the bad habits. One of the easiest ways to keep from eating unhealthy foods is to stop buying them and clear out what you have stashed in your pantry. Cutting out foods with processed sugar, saturated fats, and refined carbohydrates is the first step toward eating healthily.
A diet full of junk food such as chips, cookies, candy, white flour, etc., increases the risk of developing life-threatening diseases. Conversely, you decrease your chances of developing diseases like obesity or cancer by cutting out unhealthy snacks.

2. Stock Up on Fruit

Sugar is a hard craving to suppress. Some studies show that sugar is as addicting as cocaine. Even when you cut it out, processed sugar is found in everything from sauces to energy drinks.

As soon as the cravings hit, you will be tempted to buy your favorite sugary treat to satisfy them.
Unfortunately, free sugars, or sugars removed from their natural source and added into processed foods, are much easier to consume in excess. In addition, most of the health risks associated with sugar are related to free sugars, such as tooth decay or unwanted weight gain.
Instead of avoiding all sugar, focus on replacing the processed sugar in your diet with healthy, naturally occurring sugars like those found in fruit. Most people would find it difficult to consume fructose in excess while eating only fruit, and the fructose in fruit comes with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Bonus!

3. Eat At Home

Eating out, whether it's at a fast food restaurant, quick stop gas station, or restaurant increases overall calorie intake. For example, a gas station snack might add about 150-200 calories, dinner at a restaurant 500-700 calories, and drive-thru breakfast 300-600 calories. And that’s likely not going to be all you eat in a day. When you eat at home, though, you have more control over how much fat and added sugar goes into your diet.
Getting food on the go increases your risk of choosing unhealthy foods. You may be running errands or getting out of a meeting late, and suddenly you're starving and desperate for a quick meal. Your impulse control is at an all-time low, and you choose an unhealthy meal over the healthy one you had planned.
By stocking up on healthy meal items and cooking at home, you commit to eating well. You also reduce the number of calories you consume.

4. Add Lots of Fiber

Fiber is found in most fruits and vegetables and is one of the reasons why these fresh-grown foods are a healthy addition to your diet. Dietary fiber supports healthy digestion by increasing the weight and size of stool and softening it. In addition, it prevents diarrhea and constipation while helping your body eliminate harmful toxins.
Eating fiber also regulates blood sugar and suppresses hunger. In addition to eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, you should add lots of whole grains, legumes, and nuts to get your daily dose of fiber.

 5. Eat Breakfast

eat breakfast

Starting your day with a healthy breakfast sets the tone for the rest of your day. According to one study, eating breakfast may keep you from choosing higher-calorie foods later in the day.

People in the study ate 20% more calories during lunch than those who ate breakfast. Not only that, but the brain's reward center was more active as they ate a higher-calorie lunch. Hunger caused their brains to reward them for eating poorly, a dangerous habit to feed.

Eating breakfast also prevents you from eating on impulse, a crucial habit if you're trying to lose weight. A study of successful weight loss stories showed that 78% of those who lost weight and kept it off for five years reported starting their day with breakfast.

6. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking water plays a significant role in weight loss. It supports all the necessary bodily functions and prevents illness and disease. Drinking water has the most health benefits if you choose even just one of these healthy lifestyle changes to add to your daily routine.
Water suppresses hunger by filling up the stomach. As soon as your stomach senses that it's full, it sends a signal to your brain telling it to stop eating or drinking. Drinking water before a meal can decrease body weight, body fat, and body mass index.

Water sustains a healthy body and mind even if you aren't trying to lose weight. It helps the body filter toxins and waste, speeds up workout recovery, and prevents disease.

7. Portion Control

Another healthy habit that you can adopt instead of dieting is portion control. For example, you may try using a smaller plate, eating without distractions until you are about 80 percent full, drinking a glass of water before your meal, or keeping a food diary that documents calorie intake. The idea is that you need to eat less food to regain control of your diet.
Impulsive eating, overeating, and giving in to unhealthy food cravings will derail any healthy diet. The idea isn't to eat small portions for the rest of your life. Instead, introduce conscious thought into your eating habits so that you no longer eat automatically but intuitively and mindfully.

Change Your Relationship With Food

Introduce these seven healthy lifestyle changes to upgrade your relationship with food. Diet culture will make you think that the key to a healthy diet is following a strict plan. In reality, dieting is much more individualized. To develop a sustainable healthy diet that will help you meet your health and wellness goals, you need to listen to your body and eat plenty of healthy foods and water in the meantime.
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