What To Do About Springtime Pain
While you might imagine Spring would usher your wintertime aches out the door, the change in the weather can aggravate your joints and muscles, especially if you have arthritis, past injuries, or another condition that causes chronic pain.
How To Stay Active This Spring
Plant a Spring Garden
- Start your flowerbeds: Depending on where you live, you may be unable to put plants in the ground on the first day of Spring. But if you have a backyard, you can prepare your flowerbeds for the growing season. And if you can plant on the first day of Spring, head to a nursery to pick up some started plants or packets of seeds to get started! The next idea is for those of us without a backyard.
- Make a container garden: A container garden is totally doable, even if you only have a small patio. And if it's cold during Spring where you live, you can bring the containers inside when the night temperatures are expected to drop below freezing. This allows you to plant started flowers or seeds right away.
- Create an indoor garden: Indoor gardening is fun and accessible, and you have fewer pests. It can be as simple as a few containers on a sunny windowsill – whatever works for you. You might grow herbs for cooking, flowers to brighten your space, or some pepper plants for tasty produce!
Have a Picnic
Sandwiches are classic picnic fare, but you can also bring finger foods like cheese and crackers, sliced veggies, berries, and anything else that keeps well enough to travel. And don't forget something to drink! You might choose juice, water with lemon slices, wine, or another favorite beverage.
Take a Hike
Depending on how active you've been through the winter, you may want to take it slow. Hiking 1-2 miles might be plenty, especially if the trails are muddy. And, speaking of mud, make sure you dress for the weather!
Go Flower-Finding
If you're flower-finding in an area with cell service, you could download a flower identification app on your phone so you know what you're looking at. This is especially fun for groups of friends and family or parents with little ones joining them on a flower-finding excursion.
Enjoy the Season with Kailo
Remember, the Kailo Pain Patch is designed to relieve your pain in seconds, so all you need to do is apply it near the site of pain and breathe a sigh of relief. In a recent clinical study, 99% of participants reported pain relief with Kailo within 10 minutes of using the patch. Who can argue with that?
Disclaimer: Kailo should not be used if you have a pacemaker or are pregnant. Always consult your doctor or health care professional before using Kailo.