Why wait for luck to strike? Bring luck into your life with Kailo, and start enjoying yourself again!

March 2023. This article is independently written by Shelby Golding. All opinions given are hers. Shelby has been certified as a personal trainer and nutritional specialist since 2007. In 2008, she found her passion for writing about these topics and hasn't looked back.

The Kailo Pain Patch is an excellent way to bring luck into your life, and what better time to do it than on Saint Patty's Day? So keep reading to find out how Kailo can help you.
Why You Can Trust Kailo
Kailo has helped more than one million people with pain management worldwide, and we hope to help many more. Our mission is to enable joy and relieve suffering using innovative technologies to alleviate pain without oral painkillers.
At Kailo, we want to help as many people as possible overcome the interference of pain and live their best lives. The Kailo Pain Patch offers drug-free pain relief that you can use anytime, anywhere.
At Kailo, we want to help as many people as possible overcome the interference of pain and live their best lives. The Kailo Pain Patch offers drug-free pain relief that you can use anytime, anywhere.
Scientists theorize that Kailo works by interfering with the body’s electrical system, and the patch is designed to work in seconds. Adults suffering from neuropathic, arthritic, and musculoskeletal pain have found pain relief with Kailo, and we believe you can, too.
The best part? Kailo is backed by modern science and clinical research! That’s right, the Kailo Pain Patch has been tested in an IRB-approved study, and participants reported significant pain relief.
The results of this study were published in Anesthesia and Pain Research, an international peer-reviewed journal focusing on the clinical practice of pain medicine and anesthesia.
Kailo Testimonials
Today's savvy customers don't buy things without reading reviews, and why should you? The internet has connected the world and allowed us to share our experiences. And by checking out the experiences of others, you can decide whether or not you’re making a good purchase.
We might be biased towards Kailo – our whole team is dedicated to pain relief and compassion – but our customers aren't! So we'd like to share some customer testimonials with you so you can see for yourself why we believe in our product.
We might be biased towards Kailo – our whole team is dedicated to pain relief and compassion – but our customers aren't! So we'd like to share some customer testimonials with you so you can see for yourself why we believe in our product.
“Within 10 Minutes of Putting the Kailo on Him...It's Completely Gone!"
“HOLY COW, I just ran down to the mailbox to grab my Kailo patches and OMG… my son has been experiencing awful knee pain for months, but within seconds of putting the Kailo on him, he said IT’S COMPLETELY GONE!” wrote Crystal A. “Thank you! Cross your fingers that I can find the magic spot for the back pain of 10+ years."
"This Thing Really Works"
"I had lung surgery 5 years ago and have been in pain every day since (nerve damage they say). I've tried physical therapy, acupuncture, cryotherapy, several nerve pills but the only thing up until Kailo that helped cut the pain was Oxy,” said Cary P. “I've been wearing two Kailo patches now for about 2 months and haven't taken a pain pill the entire time. THANK YOU KAILO!"
“She Slept Through the Night and Hasn't Taken the Kailo Patch Off Since”
“My wife has had persistent problems and pain in her shoulders and upper arms. It was causing her to be unable to sleep. She initially tried out the Kailo patch and it didn't work. Both she and I were extremely skeptical, to say the least. Well about a month later, we talked to the inventor and he gave us some tips,” explained Rob Foster. “Just the other night, we tried out the tips and found the right spot for placement. It was pretty obvious because she slept through the night and hasn't taken the Kailo patch off since. Drugs didn't help and neither did a cortizone shot. But Kailo worked like a charm.”
“Within Minutes I Felt Relief”
“I have struggled with nerve pain down my left leg for 30 years...but it was intensified in 2016 after spine surgery. My niece introduced me to Kailo and I'm sure you know my immediate thought (after 30 years of pain)...sure, I'll try it but don't expect miracles. Within minutes, I felt relief and requested my children get me one for Christmas,” wrote Tammie Winkler. “Bless my children as they gave it to me at Thanksgiving. I am PAIN FREE and feel so much younger and fit. Your product truly saved my quality of life, if not my life itself. Sincerely appreciated daily."
Are You Feeling Lucky?

When you receive your Kailo Pain Patch, you can apply it anywhere on your body near the site of pain. Once it’s on, you can breathe a sigh of relief and go about your day without relying on over-the-counter or prescription painkillers.
For anyone living with chronic pain, this might sound too good to be true! But 99% of participants in the clinical study we mentioned earlier felt pain relief within 10 minutes of using the Kailo pain patch. And a majority of patients stop using medication when using Kailo for pain
So, if you’re ready to bring your own luck into your life, it’s time to try Kailo. You can wear the Kailo Pain Patch when you shower, swim, or do almost any other activity you can imagine! And, unlike painkillers, you can use it daily without worrying about nasty side effects like stomach ulcers or strain on your internal organs.
Disclaimer: Kailo should not be used if you have a pacemaker or are pregnant. Always consult your doctor or health care professional before using Kailo.
For anyone living with chronic pain, this might sound too good to be true! But 99% of participants in the clinical study we mentioned earlier felt pain relief within 10 minutes of using the Kailo pain patch. And a majority of patients stop using medication when using Kailo for pain
So, if you’re ready to bring your own luck into your life, it’s time to try Kailo. You can wear the Kailo Pain Patch when you shower, swim, or do almost any other activity you can imagine! And, unlike painkillers, you can use it daily without worrying about nasty side effects like stomach ulcers or strain on your internal organs.
Disclaimer: Kailo should not be used if you have a pacemaker or are pregnant. Always consult your doctor or health care professional before using Kailo.