Back pain is an all-too-common issue, and almost everyone experiences it at some point in their lives. Learn about the top causes and how to prevent them.

February 2023. This article is independently written by Shelby Golding. All opinions given are hers. Shelby has been certified as a personal trainer and nutritional specialist since 2007. In 2008, she found her passion for writing about these topics and hasn't looked back.

Back pain is a common complaint, but you don't have to live with these aches and pains forever. Your back carries you through life's journeys, so why not take the necessary steps to keep it healthy?
Understanding Back Pain
Understanding back pain begins with an anatomy lesson. The anatomy of the spine is complex, consisting of five sections with 24 vertebrae, nine fused vertebrae in the sacrum, four specialized vertebrae in the coccyx, and 33 vertebral discs.
These discs provide cushioning and shock absorption for movement. In addition, each vertebra has two sets of facet joints that allow us to bend and move our upper body in many different directions.
Top Causes of Back Pain
We've all been there – you wake up one day with a sharp stab of agony that shoots down your spine and thrusts you right into a world of misery. Back pain can be eerily incapacitating, effectively ruining whatever plans you had in mind for the day (or week).
Whether or not it's caused by poor posture, an injury to muscles or joints, stress, or something more serious, finding out why you have back pain is the first step towards getting relief.
Bad Posture
Sitting at a desk all day has become increasingly common due to the rise of remote work, but it can strain your entire body — especially your lower back. Poor posture while standing or sitting is another primary culprit of chronic back pain.
Strains and Sprains
Back pain, notably lower back pain, is often the result of strains and sprains. These injuries occur when ligaments become overstretched or, in some cases, torn.
Back pain can result from fractures more than most people realize. Depending on the severity and location of the fracture, pain can range from mild discomfort to sharp and intense.
Disk Problems
Disk problems occur when soft material between the vertebrae of your spine becomes damaged, usually causing your disks to bulge outward or shrink inwards. This condition often causes uncomfortable pressure on nerve roots and can cause radiating back pain that increases with movement, like bending, sitting, or standing up.
Spinal Stenosis
Back pain due to spinal stenosis becomes more common with age and osteoarthritis. It occurs when the spaces within the spine become narrowed around the nerves, causing pain, numbness, and weakness in certain body parts. Causes of back pain due to spinal stenosis can include disc degeneration leading to the compression of nerve roots or a herniated disc.
Back Pain Prevention

Has back pain become an unwelcome staple in your life? Does the thought of picking up something off the ground make you wince? Don't let your aches and pains control your life! Learning prevention methods for back pain can help you take back your life.
Here are some prevention methods that might help.
Maintain a Healthy Weight
Maintaining a healthy weight is vital for reducing the risk of back pain. Studies show that obesity is directly linked to back pain. Excess body weight can increase the strain placed on the back during daily activities, leading to increased problems and pain.
Regular Exercise
Regular exercise has a multitude of benefits, one of which is back pain prevention. In addition, it helps build strong core muscles to support your back. Exercise and muscle growth also burn calories to help you maintain a healthy weight.
Use Correct Posture When Sitting and Standing
It's important to practice good posture when sitting and standing. And try to avoid sitting too much for extended periods, which may lead to a painful lower back condition called anterior pelvic tilt.
Lift the Right Way
Maintaining good posture when you lift heavy objects can prevent unnecessary strain on your back. It also reduces the risk of injury due to too much load during spinal flexion (a rounded back).
Quit Smoking
Smoking is linked to numerous health issues, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. And what people don't realize is that it can also negatively impact your back health. Studies have shown smoking causes changes in the structure of the spine that can lead to increased back pain and even surgery.
Manage Existing Back Pain
Taking proactive steps such as maintaining good posture while sitting, exercising regularly (with proper form), and maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent back pain. And this is crucial for those who experience back pain off and on, as it may help remedy the issue before it becomes more serious.
But what about the pain you're feeling right now? For that, we recommend the Kailo Pain Patch, which is designed to relieve pain in seconds! In addition, Kailo doesn't involve any oral medication, and patients who participated in a recent clinical study reported a significant decrease in back, neck, muscle, and tendon pain.