Learn some simple exercises and tricks to stay fit and help manage pain while on your next road trip.

November 2022. This article is independently written by Shelby Golding. All opinions given are hers. Shelby has been certified as a personal trainer and nutritional specialist since 2007. In 2008, she found her passion for writing about these topics and hasn't looked back.

For many of us, road trips are a time to relax and unwind. But for those who rely on regular activity to keep their bodies healthy, long car rides can be anything but enjoyable. The last thing you want to do is add to it by sitting in an uncomfortable position for hours on end with no relief or break. So if this sounds like you, read on to learn some simple exercises for your next long drive.
Exercises to Help Relieve Pain While on The Road
A road trip is a perfect opportunity to explore new places, see old friends, and create lasting memories. But unfortunately, long car rides can be more of a curse than a blessing if you suffer from chronic pain or feel stiff without regular exercise. If you're someone who often turns to painkillers to get through a road trip, know that you have some options.
Before your next road trip, try out these easy exercises you can do in the car and pick your favorites. Then, with regular breaks for stretching, you'll be able to enjoy your time on the open road without relying on painkillers.
Before your next road trip, try out these easy exercises you can do in the car and pick your favorites. Then, with regular breaks for stretching, you'll be able to enjoy your time on the open road without relying on painkillers.
1. Neck Rolls
If you're experiencing neck pain, gently rolling your head from side to side is a great way to loosen up those muscles. Start by dropping your chin down to your chest, then slowly move your head from one shoulder to the other. Repeat this a few times, and then try rolling your head in a circular motion. You should feel your muscles start to relax after a few repetitions.
Note, however, that you should never roll your head to the back in a way that compresses your cervical spine or causes crunching. Instead, control the movement to the back for circular motions and protect your beck by gently looking upwards.
Note, however, that you should never roll your head to the back in a way that compresses your cervical spine or causes crunching. Instead, control the movement to the back for circular motions and protect your beck by gently looking upwards.
2. Seated Spinal Twist
This exercise is excellent for relieving tension in the back and shoulders. To do the seated spinal twist, start by sitting straight in your seat with both feet planted firmly on the floor. Then, place your right hand on the back of your head, using your fingers to support the base of your skull lightly.
Next, take your left hand and place it on your right knee. Gently twist your torso to the right, looking over your right shoulder until you feel a stretch in your upper back and shoulders. Hold this position for 30 seconds before repeating it on the other side.
Next, take your left hand and place it on your right knee. Gently twist your torso to the right, looking over your right shoulder until you feel a stretch in your upper back and shoulders. Hold this position for 30 seconds before repeating it on the other side.
3. Shoulder Shrugs
If you're having trouble with shoulder pain, shrug your shoulders up towards your ears, then release them back down again. You can also try rotating your shoulders forward and backward in small circles. If you're in pain, though, be sure not to overdo it — soreness from exercise can make your pain worse!
4. Chest Opener
This exercise is for you if you're struggling with stiffness and pain in your back or chest. Start by getting out of the car and clasping your hands behind your back with your fingers interlaced. Then, keeping your arms straight, lift your hands away from your body as far as you can without causing discomfort.
You should feel a stretch in your chest and shoulders when you do this correctly. Hold the position for 30 seconds before lowering your arms back down again. Or, if it's comfortable for you, slowly lean into a forward fold with your hands still clasped and hold this position for another 30 seconds before gently releasing.
You should feel a stretch in your chest and shoulders when you do this correctly. Hold the position for 30 seconds before lowering your arms back down again. Or, if it's comfortable for you, slowly lean into a forward fold with your hands still clasped and hold this position for another 30 seconds before gently releasing.
5. Knee Lifts
If you're dealing with lower back stiffness and pain, this exercise will help stretch out those muscles. Start by sitting up straight in your seat with both feet flat on the floor. Then, slowly lift one knee up towards your chest, holding it there for 5-10 seconds before returning it to the ground again. Repeat this 10 times with each leg!
Other Ways to Stay Mobile on the Road

While the exercises above are great for moving specific areas, you can do a few other things to help ease your discomfort while on the road. For starters, take breaks often to get out of the car and move around. Even a few minutes of walking will help stretch your muscles and get them moving again.
Keep yourself upright as much as possible and avoid slouching in your seat. Additionally, make sure you're staying hydrated! Dehydration can cause muscle cramps and worsen the pain, so drink plenty of water, especially if you're on medications that can cause dehydration.
If you have one, consider bringing a portable massage device, such as a back or neck massager, and a comfortable seat cushion or lumbar support pillow to help relieve pressure on your back and spine. You should also wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to avoid putting unnecessary strain on your muscles (you can change when you get there!).
Keep yourself upright as much as possible and avoid slouching in your seat. Additionally, make sure you're staying hydrated! Dehydration can cause muscle cramps and worsen the pain, so drink plenty of water, especially if you're on medications that can cause dehydration.
If you have one, consider bringing a portable massage device, such as a back or neck massager, and a comfortable seat cushion or lumbar support pillow to help relieve pressure on your back and spine. You should also wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to avoid putting unnecessary strain on your muscles (you can change when you get there!).
Finally, try to keep your stress levels in check. Stress can worsen pain, so find ways to relax and de-stress throughout the day. For example, you can try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation (never try to meditate while driving, though!). Try listening to calming music or taking deep breaths when you start to feel tense.
Following these tips can help ease your pain while on the road. Just remember to take breaks often, stay hydrated, and keep your stress levels in check. With a little effort, you can make your road trip much more comfortable!
Kailo Can Help You Get Ready for Your Next Pain-Free Drive
The simple exercises mentioned in this article can go a long way toward relieving the pain caused by long periods of sitting still. Remember to listen to your body, though. If any of these exercises cause you more pain than relief, stop immediately and consult with a doctor if necessary.
And apply your Kailo Pain Patch before you hit the road. You can wear Kailo anywhere, anytime, all day long – it’s designed to relieve pain in seconds without any oral medication! And a recent clinical study showed that a majority of patients stop using medication when using Kailo for pain relief.
Disclaimer: Kailo should not be used if you have a pacemaker or if you are pregnant. Always consult your doctor or health care professional before using Kailo.
And apply your Kailo Pain Patch before you hit the road. You can wear Kailo anywhere, anytime, all day long – it’s designed to relieve pain in seconds without any oral medication! And a recent clinical study showed that a majority of patients stop using medication when using Kailo for pain relief.
Disclaimer: Kailo should not be used if you have a pacemaker or if you are pregnant. Always consult your doctor or health care professional before using Kailo.